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关于[Code Coverage is Finally Easy in .Net Core]的摘要:

A couple of months ago calculating code coverage on the command line was quite challenging in ASP.Net Core. Fortunately, as of last month and Visual Studio 15.8, generating the metric is easy. Originally, this was the story of the pain involved me starting a new project recently based on Microsoft's new, modern, cross-platform tech stack. I was going to explain the many steps I went through to calculate what seems like a fairly basic metric. But instead, I'm going to tell you how much happier your life can be.

原文地址: http://www.leerichardson.com/2018/11/code-coverage-is-finally-easy-in-net.html

收录时间: 2018-11-06 浏览量: 2036 分类: .NET Core

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