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关于[Announcing .NET Core 2.2 Preview 2]的摘要:

Today, we are announcing .NET Core 2.2 Preview 2. We have great improvements that we want to share and that we would love to get your feedback on, either in the comments or at dotnet/core 1938. ASP.NET Core 2.2 Preview 2 and Entity Framework 2.2 Preview 2 are also releasing today. We are also announcing C# 7.3 and ML.NET 0.5.

原文地址: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2018/09/12/announcing-net-core-2-2-preview-2/

收录时间: 2018-09-14 浏览量: 2371 分类: 后端开发

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