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关于[ASP.NET Core: A Multi-Layer Data Service Application Migrated from ASP.NET Web API]的摘要:

Showing a full-structured data service sample application migrated from ASP.NET Web API 2.0 to ASP.NET Core 2.0 (updated to 2.1) and also describing the various issues and resolutions. I have recently completed the work on moving the ASP.NET Web API sample application, SM.Store.WebApi, to the ASP.NET Core 2.0 data service application, SM.Store.CoreApi. My objectives are to take the full coding and structural advantages of the Core (except using it in other platforms) but still keep the same functionality and request/response signatures and workflow. Thus, any client application will not be affected by the migration of the data service application. This article is not the step-by-step tutorials, for which audiences can reference other resources if needed, but rather shares the completed sample application source code together with below topics and issue resolutions:

原文地址: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1224226/ASP-NET-Core-A-Multi-Layer-Data-Service-Applicatio

收录时间: 2018-08-03 浏览量: 2287 分类: ASP.NET Core

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