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关于[A Concise Overview of Threads]的摘要:

A discussion of various approaches to threading, covering locks, mutexes, semaphores, concurrent collections, work queues, threads, PLINQ, TPL, exception handling, and cancellation tokens. I was recently asked to provide some training on how threads are used in C#. What I thought would be a fairly simple discussions turned into a detailed analysis of different approaches to threading and important topics such as canceling tasks and exception handling. So much for applying my 30+ years of experience in judging the scope of a project, even if the "project" is an article! What's new here is that while this has all been discussed before, I'm hoping that this article provides some interesting insights and coverage of the topic that perhaps hasn't been done before in one article. Threading, tasks, cancellation, exceptions, and so forth is a huge topic, whole books have been written on the subject. This article presents an incomplete but hopefully concise overview. There are lots of examples and the focus is on the essentials that you need to know about 90% of the time rather than all the other extraneous stuff you might need the remaining 10% of the time.

原文地址: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1254918/A-Concise-Overview-of-Threads

收录时间: 2018-08-03 浏览量: 2092 分类: .NET

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