1242 热度

在C#&.NET Core(.NET 7)程序开发中使用Npgsql,Dapper,EF Core等不同方式连接和操作PostgreSQL数据库示例教程(推荐阅读)

PostgreSQL(又称Postgres)是如今使用最广泛的数据库之一。根据2022年Stack Overflow的调查,它是专业开发人员使用最多的数据库;在TechEmpower基准测试中是最快的数据库;同时也自称自己是最先进的开源数据库。有了这么多响亮的句号加持,作为开发者的,是否已对PostgreSQL蠢蠢欲动了呢?今天,我们将讨论如何将PostgreSQL与我们最喜欢的语言(C#)结合起来。虽然Postgres不是微软的第一方数据库,如SQL Server,但并不意味着在C#编程中不能使用它或者对它的支持不够。相反,在本文中,你将看到在C#如何使用不同方式来连接并操作Postgres...

收录时间: 2023-02-16
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
1180 热度

5 new MVC features in .NET 7

Many of the headline features introduced in ASP.NET Core in .NET 7 were about minimal APIs, such as route groups and filters. But just because minimal APIs were a big focus doesn't mean that MVC controllers were left out in the cold! In this post I discuss some new MVC features that were introduced in .NET 7.

收录时间: 2022-12-08
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
983 热度

[亲测].NET Core(.NET 7)Web应用部署到Ubuntu的Docker容器并配置Nginx反向代理及Let's Encrpt SSL证书自动续期

本文将为C#&.NET开发者介绍《.NET Core(.NET 7)Web应用部署到Ubuntu的Docker容器并配置Nginx反向代理及Let’s Encrpt SSL证书自动续期》。先看最终部署和运行的效果图:本文你将学习到:如何在Ubuntu中创建用户;如何在Ubuntu中将用户添加到sudo组;如何在Ubuntu中安装Nginx;如何在Ubuntu中使用Certbot插件获取SSL证书;如何使用Visual Studio 2022创建.NET 7 Web网站应用程序;如何将.NET Core(.NET 7)Web应用程序制作成本地Docker镜像;如何在Ubuntu服务器的Doc...

收录时间: 2022-12-04
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
1278 热度

.NET 7.0's Performance Improvements with Dynamic PGO are Incredible

.NET 7.0 was released to market last week and includes hundreds of major improvements across the board. I ran Akka.NET’s RemotePingPong benchmark on .NET 7.0 shortly after installing the .NET 7.0 SDK - I’ll take every free lunch I can from the CoreCLR team.

收录时间: 2022-11-21
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
872 热度

.NET 7 is Available Today

.NET 7 brings your apps increased performance and new features for C# 11/F# 7, .NET MAUI, ASP.NET Core/Blazor, Web APIs, WinForms, WPF and more. With .NET 7, you can also easily containerize your .NET 7 projects, set up CI/CD workflows in GitHub actions, and achieve cloud-native observability. Thanks to the open-source .NET community for your numerous contributions that helped shape this .NET 7 release. 28k contributions made by over 8900 contributors throughout the .NET 7 release!

收录时间: 2022-11-11
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
1038 热度

Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 7

.NET 7 is now released! ASP.NET Core in .NET 7 includes everything you need to build rich modern web UI and powerful back-end services.

收录时间: 2022-11-09
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助
912 热度

Announcing .NET MAUI for .NET 7 General Availability

Six short months ago we introduced you to .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) and today we are excited to announce the general availability of .NET MAUI in our next major release, .NET 7. Our primary work in .NET MAUI during this shortened timeframe has been on addressing your top feedback reports, improving the performance of CollectionView, and introducing desktop features as we have expanded your reach beyond mobile to desktop. This release accompanies the release of Visual Studio 17.4, and the first .NET MAUI features have graduated from preview to stable release on Mac.

收录时间: 2022-11-09
分类: .NET 7
贡献者: Rector