1264 热度

.NET 6 Web API on Lambda with a Custom Runtime

At the time of posting, AWS Lambda does not support .NET 6 with a managed runtime. But there are two other options, putting your code in a container image as I showed last month, or using the custom runtime, which is what this post will explain.

收录时间: 2022-02-11
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1701 热度

使用Hot Chocolate和.NET 6构建GraphQL应用(7) —— 实现Query分页功能


收录时间: 2022-02-11
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1728 热度

Dependency Injection in .NET 6 - Adding and Injecting Dependencies

This post is part 2 of a 3-part series. You might want to read Part 1 first.We know from the previous post in this series that in order to make a dependency injectable into another code object, the dependency must: Have an abstraction (most commonly an interface)...

收录时间: 2022-01-20
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1477 热度

Dependency Injection in .NET 6 - Intro and Background

Welcome to a brand new series! We're going to dive into how .NET does Dependency Injection, and how we can use it to make our apps much nicer to change. Let's go!

收录时间: 2022-01-12
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1270 热度

Errors and Suspicious Code Fragments in .NET 6

The .NET 6 turned out to be a much-awaited and major release. If you write for .NET, you could hardly miss such an event. We also couldn't pass by the new version of this platform and decided to check what interesting things we can find in the sources of .NET libraries.

收录时间: 2022-01-05
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1572 热度

使用.NET 6开发TodoList应用(11)——使用FluentValidation和MediatR实现接口请求验证

在响应请求处理的过程中,我们经常需要对请求参数的合法性进行校验,如果参数不合法,将不继续进行业务逻辑的处理。我们当然可以将每个接口的参数校验逻辑写到对应的Handle方法中,但是更好的做法是借助MediatR提供的特性,将这部分与实际业务逻辑无关的代码整理到单独的地方进行管理。 为了实现这个需求,我们需要结合FluentValidation和MediatR提供的特性。

收录时间: 2021-12-30
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
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995 热度

.NET 6 Networking Improvements

With each new release of .NET we like to publish a blog post highlighting some of the changes and improvements for networking. In this post, I am pleased to talk about the changes in .NET 6.

收录时间: 2021-12-14
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1113 热度

Don't Do That, Do This: The .NET 6 Edition

In this C# Advent post, we have a little fun and talk about some nice, lesser hyped .NET 6 features that might make you happy.

收录时间: 2021-12-13
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1332 热度

.NET 6 Has Arrived: Here Are A Few of My Favorite Things

For the second straight November, .NET developers have received an early holiday gift: a new release of the .NET platform. Last month, Microsoft made .NET 6 generally available—and hosted a virtual conference to celebrate its new features.

收录时间: 2021-12-13
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1211 热度

What’s new for gRPC in .NET 6

gRPC is a modern, cross-platform, high-performance RPC framework. gRPC for .NET is built on top of ASP.NET Core and is our recommended way to build RPC services using .NET. .NET 6 further improves gRPC’s already great performance and adds a new range of features that make gRPC better than ever in modern cloud-native apps. In this post I’ll describe these new features as well as how we are leading the industry with the first gRPC implementation to support end-to-end HTTP/3.

收录时间: 2021-12-07
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1316 热度

.NET 6 Hot Reload and "Refused to connect to ws: because it violates the Content Security Policy directive" because Web Sockets

If you're excited about Hot Reload like me AND you also want an "A" grade from SecurityHeaders.com (really, go try this now) then you will learn very quickly about Content-Security-Policy headers. You need to spend some time reading and you may end up with a somewhat sophisticated list of allowed things, scripts, stylesheets, etc.

收录时间: 2021-11-22
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1615 热度

Working with model validation in Minimal APIs

This post is about implementing model validation in ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs. Minimal APIs do not come with any built-in support for validation. In this post we will explore how to build one and we explore will use some other libraries which can be used to implement validations.

收录时间: 2021-11-18
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
2239 热度

New dependency injection features in .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 10

In this post I talk about some of the new features added to Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in .NET 6. Some of these were added to resolve existing bugs and edge cases, and others were added to support the new minimal APIs introduced in ASP.NET Core in .NET 6.

收录时间: 2021-11-17
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1054 热度

What's new in Windows Forms in .NET 6.0

We continue to support and innovate in Windows Forms runtime. Let’s recap what we’ve done in .NET 6.0. Making Windows Forms applications more accessible to more users is one of the big goals for the team. Building on the momentum we gained in .NET 5.0 timeframe in this release we delivered further improvements, including but not limited to the following...

收录时间: 2021-11-17
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1391 热度

Announcing dotnet monitor in .NET 6

We first introduced dotnet monitor as an experimental tool in June 2020 and have been hard at work to turn it into a production grade tool over the last year. Today I’m excited to announce the first supported release of dotnet monitor as part of .NET 6. dotnet monitor already powers the Diagnostic tools for .NET applications on Azure App Service on Linux, and we’re excited to now see it used in even more environments with this release.

收录时间: 2021-11-12
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
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1343 热度

Announcing .NET 6 - The Fastest .NET Yet

Welcome to .NET 6. Today’s release is the result of just over a year’s worth of effort by the .NET Team and community. C# 10 and F# 6 deliver language improvements that make your code simpler and better. There are massive gains in performance, which we’ve seen dropping the cost of hosting cloud services at Microsoft. .NET 6 is the first release that natively supports Apple Silicon (Arm64) and has also been improved for Windows Arm64. We built a new dynamic profile-guided optimization (PGO) system that delivers deep optimizations that are only possible at runtime. Cloud diagnostics have been improved with dotnet monitor and OpenTelemetry. WebAssembly support is more capable and performant. New APIs have been added, for HTTP/3, processing JSON, mathematics, and directly manipulating memory. .NET 6 will be supported for three years. Developers have already started upgrading applications to .NET 6 and we’ve heard great early results in production. .NET 6 is ready for your app.

收录时间: 2021-11-10
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1738 热度

Bite-Size .NET 6 - MaxBy() and MinBy() in LINQ

A cool new feature in .NET is the ability to get max and min values from a set of complex objects, using a common property in those objects. Let's see how to do that in this post!

收录时间: 2021-11-02
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
2127 热度

Parallel.ForEachAsync in .NET 6

Great tweet from Oleg Kyrylchuk (follow him!) showing how cool Parallel.ForEachAsync is in .NET 6. It's new! Let's look at this clean bit of code in .NET 6 that calls the public GitHub API and retrieves n number of names and bios, given a list of GitHub users

收录时间: 2021-10-26
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1344 热度

ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 2

.NET 6 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available. .NET 6 RC2 is very close to the final build of .NET 6 that we expect to ship in November this year in time for .NET Conf 2021. It’s also a “go live” release, so you’re welcome to use it in production. .NET 6 RC2 primarily contains quality improvements and bug fixes, although it does also include a few new features as well.

收录时间: 2021-10-23
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
1615 热度

Bite-Size .NET 6 - Chunk() in LINQ

Here's the next topic in our ongoing Bite-Sized .NET 6 series: the ability to split collections into groups of smaller collections using LINQ's Chunk() method!

收录时间: 2021-10-15
分类: .NET 6
贡献者: Rector
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