Web开发中,模态弹窗应该是避免不了的事情,提示消息,确认操作等都需要使用到弹窗。那么,如果你在项目开发中使用了bootstrap前端框架呢,弹窗这件事情又如何处理?是用bootstrap官方提供的,还是自己封装?这里给大家推荐一款已经成熟的Bootstrap 3轻量级模态弹窗插件--bootstrap3-dialog。当然,bootstrap3的弹窗插件还有其他的,有兴趣的话,大家可以自己搜索一下。
BootstrapDialog.alert('I want banana!');2.自定义参数配置的提示
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Say-hello dialog', message: 'Hi Apple!' });3.修改弹窗标题
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Default Title', message: 'Click buttons below.', buttons: [{ label: 'Title 1', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setTitle('Title 1'); } }, { label: 'Title 2', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setTitle('Title 2'); } }] });4.修改弹窗内容
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Default Title', message: 'Click buttons below.', buttons: [{ label: 'Message 1', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setMessage('Message 1'); } }, { label: 'Message 2', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setMessage('Message 2'); } }] });5.动态加载内容
BootstrapDialog.show({ message: $('<div></div>').load('remote.html') });6.自定义按钮和操作
BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ label: 'Button 1' }, { label: 'Button 2', cssClass: 'btn-primary', action: function(){ alert('Hi Orange!'); } }, { icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle', label: 'Button 3', cssClass: 'btn-warning' }, { label: 'Close', action: function(dialogItself){ dialogItself.close(); } }] });7.配置弹窗上按钮的热键
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Button Hotkey', message: 'Try to press some keys...', onshow: function(dialog) { dialog.getButton('button-c').disable(); }, buttons: [{ label: '(A) Button A', hotkey: 65, // Keycode of keyup event of key 'A' is 65. action: function() { alert('Finally, you loved Button A.'); } }, { label: '(B) Button B', hotkey: 66, action: function() { alert('Hello, this is Button B!'); } }, { id: 'button-c', label: '(C) Button C', hotkey: 67, action: function(){ alert('This is Button C but you won't see me dance.'); } }] });8.同时打开多个弹窗
var shortContent = '<p>Something here.</p>'; var longContent = ''; for(var i = 1; i <= 200; i++) { longContent += shortContent; } BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Another long dialog', message: longContent }); BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Another short dialog', message: shortContent, draggable: true }); BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'A long dialog', message: longContent, draggable: true }); BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'A short dialog', message: shortContent });9.自定义弹窗类型(提示,错误,警告)
var types = [BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DEFAULT, BootstrapDialog.TYPE_INFO, BootstrapDialog.TYPE_PRIMARY, BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS, BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING, BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER]; var buttons = []; $.each(types, function(index, type) { buttons.push({ label: type, cssClass: 'btn-default btn-sm', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setType(type); } }); }); BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Changing dialog type', message: 'Click buttons below...', buttons: buttons });10.自定义弹窗尺寸
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'More dialog sizes', message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ label: 'Normal', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Normal'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL); } }, { label: 'Small', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Small'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_SMALL); } }, { label: 'Wide', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Wide'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE); } }, { label: 'Large', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Large'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE); } }] });11.支持拖拽
BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Draggable Dialog', message: 'Try to drag on dialog title to move your dialog.', draggable: true });12.数据绑定
var data1 = 'Apple'; var data2 = 'Orange'; var data3 = ['Banana', 'Pear']; BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!', data: { 'data1': data1, 'data2': data2, 'data3': data3 }, buttons: [{ label: 'See what you got', cssClass: 'btn-primary', action: function(dialogRef){ alert(dialogRef.getData('data1')); alert(dialogRef.getData('data2')); alert(dialogRef.getData('data3').join(', ')); } }] });13.确认弹窗并支持回调
BootstrapDialog.confirm('Hi Apple, are you sure?', function(result){ if(result) { alert('Yup.'); }else { alert('Nope.'); } });关于bootstrap3-dialog弹窗插件的更多操作体验请参考原作者的文档:http://nakupanda.github.io/bootstrap3-dialog/
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