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关于[Locked Files When Publishing .NET Core Apps to IIS with WebDeploy]的摘要:

If you still use IIS on a physical box to host Web Applications (as I do) and you're creating .NET Core applications and deploy them via Microsoft's Web Deploy you've likely run into this problem: When you publish the first time everything everything is fine - the app distributes and it properly publishes and starts up fine. However, when you re-publish after the app's been running and you publish again you find that the publish process fails due to locked files. The publish process gets half way through, then fails on one of the dll files as they are sent to the server.

原文地址: https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2021/Jun/20/Locked-Files-When-Publishing-NET-Core-Apps-to-IIS-with-WebDeploy

收录时间: 2021-06-22 浏览量: 1069 分类: .NET Core

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