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关于[Beautiful and compact Web APIs with C# 9, .NET 5.0 and ASP.NET Core]的摘要:

The article and the accompanying demo projects received quite a lot of attention, and I even got a chance to speak at some conference about these type of approaches to building focused, small microservices. With the .NET 5.0 in sight (.NET 5.0 RC2 is out at the time of writing this), and some remarkable features of C# 9, this “lightweight Web APIs” concept deserves a revisit, and this is what we will do in this blog post.

原文地址: https://www.strathweb.com/2020/10/beautiful-and-compact-web-apis-with-c-9-net-5-0-and-asp-net-core/

收录时间: 2020-10-27 浏览量: 1173 分类: .NET 5

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